What Shoes to Wear for Pickleball? Detailed Guide

Pickleball is a fun and popular sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton and paddleball. It can be played by people of all ages and skill levels on different types of courts. But what shoes should you wear for pickleball? In this article, we will answer this question and provide you with some tips on how to choose the best pickleball shoes for your needs.

Why Pickleball Shoes Are Important?

If you want to enjoy pickleball and avoid injuries, you need to wear the proper shoes for the game. Pickleball shoes are not just regular sneakers. They are specially designed to meet the demands of the sport. Here are some of the benefits of wearing pickleball shoes:

Increased traction: Pickleball shoes offer a unique grip that will assist you keep your footing on the court even when you start and stop playing quickly. This can keep you safe while you play by reducing the likelihood of slips and falls. The shoes are made to assist keep you stable and balanced while playing in addition to the unique grip. Being less inclined to make mistakes can help you play better overall.

Improved cushioning: Pickleball shoes include more padding in the forefoot and heel sections. This can make the game more pleasant and pleasurable by minimising the stress on your joints while you’re playing. Additionally, the padding helps absorb shock to safeguard your ankles and feet from harm.

Enhanced stability: Additionally improving stability on the court, pickleball shoes. This might assist you in maintaining your balance when performing fast starts and stops and lateral motions. Ankle and knee injuries may be less likely as a result of the greater stability.

Breathability: Most pickleball shoes are made with breathable materials, such as mesh. This can help keep your feet cool and dry while you play. In addition, the shoes are often designed with vents or openings to allow air to circulate, further improving breathability.

Supportive fit: Pickleball shoes provide a supportive fit that helps keep your feet secure while you play. This can help reduce the risk of blisters and other foot problems. In addition, the shoes may have features such as arch support to improve comfort and fit.

Durability: Pickleball shoes are designed to withstand the wear and tear of the game. This means they’ll last longer than your average pair of sneakers. They have reinforced areas on the toe and heel, as well as quality stitching and materials.

As you can see, wearing pickleball shoes can make a big difference in your game. They can help you play better, safer and more comfortably.

what are the best shoes to wear for pickleball

Different Types of Pickleball Shoes

Different pickleball shoes may be required depending on the court surface. Depending on the court you play on, you need wear a specific style of shoe. Here are a few of the most popular styles of pickleball footwear:

Hard court shoes: Hard court shoes are suitable for playing on hard surfaces like concrete or asphalt. They have a hard sole that offers good grip and durability2. These shoes are a good option for playing on outdoor courts.

Clay court shoes: Clay court shoes are suitable for playing on soft surfaces like clay or grass. They have a soft sole that offers good traction and cushioning2. These shoes are a good option for playing on indoor courts.

Cross-training shoes: Pickleball is only one of the many sports that may be played in cross-training shoes. They can adapt to various settings thanks to a number of features2. Cross-training shoes, for instance, frequently feature exceptional grip and support.

Tennis shoes: Tennis shoes are an alternative to court shoes if you desire additional cushioning for pickleball. Their sole is thicker and does a good job of absorbing impact. Both hard and clay courts may be played on using these shoes.

You should think about the kind of court you play on the most while purchasing pickleball shoes. You should also try different types of shoes to see which ones feel most comfortable and fit your style.

What to Look for When Buying Pickleball Shoes?

There are a few things to think about while purchasing pickleball shoes to guarantee a good fit and performance. When purchasing pickleball shoes, you should consider the following:

Size: Pickleball shoes should be the right size, being snug but not too tight. The toe box should be spacious, and the heel shouldn’t slide out. When selecting the size, you should also take your socks’ thickness into account. Depending on your liking, you could need to size up or down by a half.

Width: Pickleball shoes should match your foot width. If you have wide feet, look for shoes that offer extra width options or have a wide toe box. If you have narrow feet, look for shoes that have a narrow fit or have adjustable laces.

Arch support: Pickleball shoes should provide adequate arch support for your foot type. If you have high arches, look for shoes that have more cushioning or inserts. If you have low arches, look for shoes that have more stability or orthotics1.

Breathability: Pickleball shoes should be breathable to keep your feet cool and dry while you play. Look for shoes that have mesh or perforated materials on the upper part. You should also avoid shoes that have too much padding or synthetic materials, as they can trap heat and moisture.

Durability: Pickleball shoes should be durable to withstand the wear and tear of the game. Look for shoes that have reinforced areas on the toe and heel, as well as quality stitching and materials. You should also avoid shoes that have too many seams or decorations, as they can rip or peel off easily.

Your budget and personal preferences should be taken into account while purchasing pickleball shoes. You should seek for shoes that fit your style and are in your price range. To obtain a sense of the calibre and functionality of the shoes, you should also check reviews and ratings from previous buyers.

what shoes to wear for indoor pickleball

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I wear running shoes for pickleball?

No, running shoes are not recommended for pickleball. Running shoes are designed for forward motion and have less lateral support and traction than pickleball shoes. Running shoes can also cause injuries and affect your performance on the court.

What is the difference between pickleball shoes and tennis shoes?

Pickleball shoes and tennis shoes have some similarities, but they are not the same. Pickleball shoes are designed specifically for the game of pickleball, which involves more quick starts and stops, lateral movements and changes of direction than tennis. Pickleball shoes have more cushioning, stability and traction than tennis shoes2. Tennis shoes may also have different soles depending on the type of court they are made for, such as grass or clay.

How often should I replace my pickleball shoes?

The frequency of replacing your pickleball shoes depends on how often and how intensely you play. As a general rule, you should replace your pickleball shoes every six months or 500 miles, whichever comes first3. You should also check your shoes regularly for signs of wear and tear, such as holes, cracks, loose stitching or loss of cushioning


Pickleball is a great sport that can be enjoyed by anyone. However, to play it safely and effectively, you need to wear the right shoes. Pickleball shoes are designed to provide traction, stability, support and comfort on the court.

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